Saturday, February 08, 2025

Lions have supported Canine Companions® since its founding in 1975. The Lions Project for Canine Companions (LPCC), a Lions foundation, was formed in 1983 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization creating awareness and providing support for Canine Companions®, a non-profit organization that provides expertly trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnership.

JimP 2LPCC is comprised of an all-volunteer Board of Directors, Area Directors and Trustees who devote their time in making Lions all over the United States aware of this magnificent program. Our support has grown with Lions Clubs from California to Maine. Currently Lions Clubs and individual Lions in 26 states support the program. Our goal is to have Lions Clubs in every state participate in this worthwhile program that provides exceptional dogs for exceptional people.

In 2023, Lions Project for Canine Companions celebrated their 40th Anniversary supporting Canine Companions.


  Canine Companions is a national organization that provides expertly trained assistance dogs to people with disabilities free of charge

Lions Clubs

LCI emblem blueLions Project for Canine Companions is dedicated to involving Lions Clubs all around the country to support and be involved in Canine Companions. We encourage your Lions Club to become aware of and involved in this service.  Take the first step, Become a Member Club.

This is a Club commitment to a suggested annual donation based on the number of Club members.

Make a Difference Today

  • One Time Donation
  • Monthly Donation
  • In Tribute to

Non Specific enter any amount you wish to donate option: We appreciate any and all donations.
If you wish to make a donation without any specific award or commitment please use this option.
You may enter any amount you wish.

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Please select the amount that best fits for you. Each of these donations will be automagically applied each month for you.
Monthly Donation Type   
Non Specific enter any amount you wish to donate option:
In appreciation of a special person, Honor that person with a donation in their name. This may be in any amount you choose.
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Canine Companions Assistance Dogs

Testimonials of just some of their clients
  • Partnered With Pablo

    Partnered With Pablo

    Life changed for Chelsey in 2010 when she contracted a bacterial infection after tubing on the Comal River, which led to a bilateral below-knee amputation. For Chelsey, a service dog meant help with these daily tasks, but it also meant more than that. It meant gaining the confidence to go back to school, graduate and become a working professional.
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