Lions have supported Canine Companions® since its founding in 1975. The Lions Project for Canine Companions (LPCC), a Lions foundation, was formed in 1983 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization creating awareness and providing support for Canine Companions®, a non-profit organization that provides expertly trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnership.LPCC is comprised of an all-volunteer Board of Directors, Area Directors and Trustees who devote their time in making Lions all over the United States aware of this magnificent program. Our support has grown with Lions Clubs from California to Maine. Currently Lions Clubs and individual Lions in 26 states support the program. Our goal is to have Lions Clubs in every state participate in this worthwhile program that provides exceptional dogs for exceptional people.
In 2023, Lions Project for Canine Companions celebrated their 40th Anniversary supporting Canine Companions.
Canine Companions is a national organization that provides expertly trained assistance dogs to people with disabilities free of charge